Security and Privacy Issues in IoT


  • Aqeel ur Rehman Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.
  • Sadiq ur Rehman Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.
  • Iqbal Uddin Khan Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.
  • Muzaffar Moiz Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.
  • Sarmad Hasan Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.



Internet of Things (IoT) is a global network of physical and virtual ‘things’ connected to the internet. Each object has unique ID which is used for identification. IoT is the emerging technology which will change the way we interact with devices. In future almost every electronic device will be a smart device which can compute and communicate with hand-held and other infrastructure devices. As most of the devices may be battery operated, due to less processing power the security and privacy is a major issue in IoT. Authentication, Identification and device heterogeneity are the major security and privacy concerns in IoT. Major challenges include integration, scalability, ethics communication mechanism, business models and surveillance. In this paper major issues related to security and privacy of IoT are focused.

Author Biographies

Aqeel ur Rehman, Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.

Professor and ChairmanDepartment of ComputingDeputy Director (Admin), HIET

Sadiq ur Rehman, Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.

Electrical Engineering Department

Iqbal Uddin Khan, Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamadrd University, Karachi.

Department of Computing



2016-12-03 — Updated on 2022-04-17


How to Cite

Rehman, A. ur, Rehman, S. ur, Khan, I. U., Moiz, M., & Hasan, S. (2022). Security and Privacy Issues in IoT. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 8(3). (Original work published December 3, 2016)



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