Bio-Inspired Technique:An Adaptive Routing for Reliability and Energy Efficiency Method in Wireless Sensor Networks


  • Ahmed Saleh



?ver recent years, en?rm?us am?unts ?f research in wireless sens?r netw?rks (WSNs) have been c?nducted, due t? its multifari?us applicati?ns such as in envir?nmental m?nit?ring, ?bject tracking, disaster management, manufacturing, m?nit?ring and c?ntr?l. S?me WSN applicati?ns require the energy-e?icient and link reliability as imp?rtant perf?rmance parameters. Hence, this paper presents a r?uting pr?t?c?l that c?nsiders these tw? criteria. We pr?p?se a new mechanism called Reliable and Energy E?icient R?uting (REER) t? reduce the packets dr?p during data c?mmunicati?ns. It is an adaptive meth?d t? ensure high r?uting reliability in if failures ?ccur due t? the m?vement ?f the sens?r n?des ?r when sens?r n?de’s energy depleti?n. This is acc?mplished by intr?ducing a new meth?d t? create alternative paths t?gether with the r?uting inf?rmati?n ?btained during the route detection stage. The g?al ?f this ?perati?n is t? update and ??er new r?uting inf?rmati?n in ?rder t? determine multiple p?ssible paths t? increase reliability ?f the sens?r netw?rk. Simulati?n results dem?nstrate that the pr?p?sed meth?d sh?ws better results in terms ?f   packet delivery rati? and energy e?iciency.




How to Cite

Saleh, A. (2017). Bio-Inspired Technique:An Adaptive Routing for Reliability and Energy Efficiency Method in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 9(2).



Research Articles