Digital Copyright Protection: Focus on Some Relevant Solutions


  • Franco Frattolillo Department of Engineering, University of Sannio



Copyright protection of digital content is considered a relevant problem of the current Internet since content digitalization and high performance interconnection networks have greatly increased the possibilities to reproduce and distribute digital content. Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems try to prevent the inappropriate or illegal use of copyrighted digital content. They are promoted by the major global media players, but they are also perceived as proprietary solutions that give rise to classic problems of privacy and fair use. On the other hand, watermarking protocols have become a possible solution to the problem of copyright protection. They have evolved during the last decade, and interesting proposals have been designed. This paper first presents current trends concerning the most significant solutions to the problem of copyright protection based on DRM systems and then focuses on the most promising approaches in the field of watermarking protocols. In this regard, the examined protocols are discussed in order to individuate which of them can better represent the right trade-off between opposite goals, such as, for example, security and easy of use, so as to prove that it is possible to implement open solutions compatible with the current web context without resorting to proprietary architectures or impairing the protection of copyrighted digital content.



2017-06-25 — Updated on 2022-04-17


How to Cite

Frattolillo, F. (2022). Digital Copyright Protection: Focus on Some Relevant Solutions. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 9(2). (Original work published June 25, 2017)



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