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An improved Framework for Biometric Database’s privacy


  • Fouzia OMARY



Performance, Biometrics, physiological traits, improved FHE, privacy, database security, noise-free, encryption


Security and privacy are huge challenges in biometric systems. Biometrics are sensitive data that should be protected from any attacker and especially attackers targeting the confidentiality and integrity of biometric data. In this paper an extensive review of different physiological biometric techniques is provided. A comparative analysis of the various sus mentioned biometrics, including characteristics and properties is conducted. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the most relevant physiological biometrics is achieved. Furthermore, we propose a new framework for biometric database privacy. Our approach is based on the use of the promising fully homomorphic encryption technology. As a proof of concept, we establish an initial implementation of our security module using JAVA programming language.


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How to Cite

EL-YAHYAOUI, A., & OMARY, F. (2021). An improved Framework for Biometric Database’s privacy. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 13(3).



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