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A Like ELGAMAL Cryptosystem But Resistant To Post-Quantum Attacks


  • Fouzia OMARY



ELGAMAL cryptosystem, public key cryptography, NP-hard, M1FP, post quantum attacks, one-way function,


The Modulo 1 Factoring Problem (M1FP) is an elegant mathematical problem which could be exploited to design safe cryptographic protocols and encryption schemes that resist to post quantum attacks. The ELGAMAL encryption scheme is a well-known and efficient public key algorithm designed by Taher ELGAMAL from discrete logarithm problem. It is always highly used in Internet security and many other applications after a large number of years. However, the imminent arrival of quantum computing threatens the security of ELGAMAL cryptosystem and impose to cryptologists to prepare a resilient algorithm to quantum computer-based attacks. In this paper we will present a like-ELGAMAL cryptosystem based on the M1FP NP-hard problem. This encryption scheme is very simple but efficient and supposed to be resistant to post quantum attacks.


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How to Cite

EL-YAHYAOUI, A., & OMARY, F. (2022). A Like ELGAMAL Cryptosystem But Resistant To Post-Quantum Attacks. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 14(1).



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