An analysis using a structural equation model to assessthe various factors influencing the Iraqi construction industry, with a specific focus on the moderating of organizational culture


  • Alhamza Yassin Flaih Maeni, Faridahanim Ahmad


The construction industry is of great importance as it is able to achieve cost savings and promote economic development worldwide.


The construction industry is of great importance as it is able to achieve cost savings and promote economic development worldwide. Regardless of a country's level of development, be it an underdeveloped country. Nevertheless, there are a number of constraints and hazards that hinder the start or progress of a construction project, and which usually have a significant negative impact on the overall project. In a previous study, the influence of a company on construction performance was investigated, leaving out certain factors. This study aims to fill this research gap by using the methodology of organizational culture and the various factors including stakeholders, communication, cost, technology, top management support and local authority support to investigate the impact on the Iraqi construction industry. The data pertaining to the research was gathered through a survey questionnaire administered to multiple construction project practitioners in Iraq. The research objective was achieved through structural equation modeling (SEM). The study operator a quantitative approach to gather data, which includes a survey questionnaire administered to construction project practitioners and interviews conducted with academicians who specialize in the construction industry. The results obtained from the SEM analysis indicate the model is appropriate for the characteristics of variables and data under investigation. The further analysis of research outcomes demonstrated that the hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, and H8) all the results were found to be statistically significantand had positive findings. A survey instrument was utilized to obtain information for the research from many construction companies in Iraq. The data have been analyzed, and an SPSS AMOS 26 software-based structural model has been constructed to test the results of the hypotheses.A moderate relationship can be inferred between organizational culture and the construction industry in Iraq, as indicated by a positive correlation coefficient of 0.036. A positive association is denoted by the positive sign that is an increase in one variable is typically accompanied by an increase in the other. A correlation coefficient of 0.08 indicates a positive relationship between organizational culture and stakeholder factors. Although the correlation demonstrates statistical significance, its magnitude suggests the strength of the relationship. A relationship exists between stakeholder factors and their influence on the Iraqi construction industry, as indicated by a positive correlation of 0.080. Alterations in construction industry developments might be correlated with stakeholder factor changes, as indicated by the positive correlation; however, the relationship is not definitive, noting that correlation does not imply causation is essential. Although the statistical relationships presented offer valuable insights, further investigation and analysis are required to comprehend the fundamental mechanisms and factors that underlie these correlations within the organizational culture and construction industry of Iraq.




How to Cite

Alhamza Yassin Flaih Maeni, Faridahanim Ahmad. (2024). An analysis using a structural equation model to assessthe various factors influencing the Iraqi construction industry, with a specific focus on the moderating of organizational culture. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 16(4), 29–57. Retrieved from



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