Development Of A Hospital Selection Model With Service Quality As An Intervening Variable In Medan City


  • Markus Doddy Simanjuntak


Model, Hospital Selection, Service Quality, Medan City


Hospitals, as one of the institutions that facilitate the scope of health, are critical. However, at this time, many hospitals that were initially service industries have changed into business industries. So there is competition in providing services for business purposes only. This study will test the hospital selection model with service quality as an intervening variable in Medan. Data collection uses a quantitative method with partial least squares (PLS). This study used a sample of 384 people. The study was conducted in several private hospitals in Medan. The study results showed that Market orientation, customer emotional response, and trust were proven to significantly influence the implementation of marketing strategies and service quality at Medan City Hospital.




How to Cite

Markus Doddy Simanjuntak. (2024). Development Of A Hospital Selection Model With Service Quality As An Intervening Variable In Medan City. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 16(4), 653–664. Retrieved from



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