On the Medium Access Control Protocols Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey


  • Mohamed Guerroumi
  • Al-Sakib Khan Pathan International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
  • Nadjib Badache
  • Samira Moussaoui




A MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol has direct impact on the energy efficiency and traffic characteristics of any Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Due to the inherent differences in WSN’s requirements and application scenarios, different kinds of MAC protocols have so far been designed especially targeted to WSNs, though the primary mode of communications is wireless like any other wireless network. This is the subject topic of this survey work to analyze various aspects of the MAC protocols proposed for WSNs. To avoid collision and ensure reliability, before any data transmission between neighboring nodes in MAC layer, sensor nodes may need sampling channel and synchronizing. Based on these needs, we categorize the major MAC protocols into three classes, analyze each protocol’s relative advantages and disadvantages, and finally present a comparative summary which could give a snapshot of the state-of-the-art to guide other researchers find appropriate areas to work on. In spite of various existing survey works, we have tried to cover all necessary aspects with the latest advancements considering the major works in this area.

Author Biography

Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Al-Sakib Khan Pathan received Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering in 2009 from Kyung Hee University, South Korea. He received B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Information Technology from Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh in 2003. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Computer Science department in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia. Till June 2010, he served as an Assistant Professor at Computer Science and Engineering department in BRAC University, Bangladesh. Prior to holding this position, he worked as a Researcher at Networking Lab, Kyung Hee University, South Korea till August 2009. His research interest includes wireless sensor networks, network security, and e-services technologies. He is a recipient of several awards/best paper awards and has several publications in these areas. He has served as a Chair, Organizing Committee Member, and Technical Program Committee member in numerous international conferences/workshops like GLOBECOM, GreenCom, HPCS, ICA3PP, IWCMC, VTC, HPCC, IDCS, etc. He was awarded the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award and Certificate of Appreciation for his role in IEEE GreenCom’13 conference. He is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief of IJIDS, an Area Editor of IJCNIS, Editor of IJCSE, Inderscience, Associate Editor of IASTED/ACTA Press IJCA and CCS, Guest Editor of many special issues of top-ranked journals, and Editor/Author of 10 books. One of his books has been included twice in Intel Corporation's Recommended Reading List for Developers, 2nd half 2013 and 1st half of 2014; 3 other books are included in IEEE Communications Society's (IEEE ComSoc) Best Readings in Communications and Information Systems Security, 2013, and a fifth book is in process of being translated to simplified Chinese language from English version. Also, 2 of his journal papers and 1 conference paper are included under different categories in IEEE Communications Society's (IEEE ComSoc) Best Readings Topics on Communications and Information Systems Security, 2013. He also serves as a referee of numerous renowned journals. He is a member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA; IEEE ComSoc Bangladesh Chapter, and several other international professional organizations.



2014-05-04 — Updated on 2022-04-17


How to Cite

Guerroumi, M., Pathan, A.-S. K., Badache, N., & Moussaoui, S. (2022). On the Medium Access Control Protocols Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 6(2). https://doi.org/10.17762/ijcnis.v6i2.611 (Original work published May 4, 2014)



Surveys / Reviews